

2631 Uppsatser om Brave new world - Sida 1 av 176

I frestarens grepp : En arketypanalytisk undersökning av temat manipulation med utgångspunkt i Karin Boyes Kallocain

I den här uppstatsen undersöker jag temat manipulation. Jag tittar på vad det har för inverkan på berättelsers utformning samt om det finns andra teman som ofta kombineras med manipulationstemat. Min utgångspunkt är Karin Boyes Kallocain och därifrån kommer jag dra paralleller till William Shakespeares Othello och Aldous Huxleys Brave new world. Genom att vända mig till just de här två berättelserna får jag en inblick i såväl genretillhörighet som temats utveckling över tid. Uppsatsens teoretiska utgångspunkt är C.G.

Den nya generationen: Dystopisk reproduktion : En tematisk genusanalys av Karin Boyes Kallocain, Aldous Huxleys Du sköna nya värld och George Orwells 1984

The three dystopian novels Brave new world by Aldous Huxley, Kallocain by Karin Boye and Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell have been highly discussed amongst literary critics and scholars. Although these works are well-known, some themes have had very little or no recognition. Biological reproduction is a recurring subject in dystopian literature. Although it is not the main theme in the novels, it is a very important part in dystopian culture and dystopian society. By focusing on reproduction and the structure of gender roles in these three dystopias, I hope to bring to light something that's been in the shadows for a long time i.e.

Skandinavien och de andra : En studie av jämställdheten i skandinavisk biståndspolitik ifrån ett tredje världenperspektiv

In this essay I?m asking if the Scandinavian countries Sweden, Denmark and Norway use a third world perspective on gender equality in their development aid politics. A third world perspective on gender equality is a perspective that considers the special experiences and priorities of women in the third world. My point of view is that third world perspectives represent women in the third world better than western perspectives.To determine if the countries uses a third world perspective on gender equality or not I have examined the countries aid policies with a third world theory. The material that I have used is policy documents on gender equality from the three countries and my method is discourse analysis.My study shows that Sweden Denmark and Norway uses a third world perspective on gender equality to a certain extent.

Är en annan värld möjlig? - En studie från urban- till world-bias

The purpose of this thesis is to explain one aspect of how and why the development in the third world is lagging behind. The precondition is that development through an agricultural revolution is necessary and that all countries benefit from trading. But these two conditions are not met today. By using the urban-bias and the world system theory I have analysed how the situation appears to be according to the precondition. It appears that both the urban-bias and the world system theory are essential to understand how and why the situation in third world still has not reached the same development phase as most other countries.

World of Warcraft : En virtuellt social värld

In today?s modern society with high-speed connections covering the globe people are more than ever finding themselves gazing into the cold lights of the computer screen. On the other side a strange and exciting world yet to be explored awaits. Many are those who spend hour after hour running over green hills swimming in vast blue oceans in the lands of Azeroth, the playfield in the MMORPG game World of Warcraft. In media we often read and hear alarming reports on players stuck in this virtual world, ceasing to play a part in the real world.

Popper - Realism och antirelativism

The aim with this paper is to study Karl Popper?s view on realism and relativism. Further aim is to see whether those ideas have been consistent over the years. The paper argues that Popper since his first interest in philosophy has taken a realistic and antirelativistic attitude. Only his arguments for this position have been developed to meet his critics.Common sense speaks for realism but can neither be proven nor refuted.

Den sköna nya tiden 2013

2013. The brave new time.We constantly look forward in time. There is a need today to constantly renew, replace and update almost everything in our lives. Although often stressful, these continual changes and upgrades can open up new possibilities and even be seen as enjoyable and stimulating.Values, opinions, and everything we create, is based on an experience of the past and predictions of what the future might be. I want to take advantage of these thoughts and find out how they relate to our exchangeable culture.

Vad anser du vara en verklighet? : Kan en virtuell värld vara en verklighet?

Contents:The evolution of today?s computer influenced society has taken giant steps towards virtual reality, game addictions and the possibility of not having to meet the people we communicate with. What is a reality today?To give a more concrete image of our question we?ve chosen the online game World of Warcraft as an example and to describe our connection to an alternative reality. We have performed different investigations, interviewed both gamers and non gamers, all this to give us the opportunity to see if the term reality has started to change in a direction that will allow us to call this alternative world a reality, or if it?s just a world wide phenomena of for example gaming addiction.

En sekulariserande la?robok? : En kvalitativ och kvantitativ studie om fo?ra?ndringar i la?robo?cker i religionskunskap fo?re och efter GY11

The purpose of this study is to investigate whether the new Swedish curriculum, GY11 brought with it changes to how non-religious world-views are presented in five different books in religious education, RE. The method used to analyze the material was a qualitative content analysis as well as counting the pages that dealt with secular world-views. This was later analyzed using philosopher Charles Taylors description and theory on secularization. This was used to identify secular processes as well as to define wether the books definition and description of secular world-views using Taylors concept of ?exclusive humanism?.The research questions are:? What are the authors writing about when describing the secular world- views?? What differences and similarities are there between the different editions prior and after the implementation of the new curriculum, GY11?? Are the secular world-views presented in a way that is compatible with Taylors concept of ?exclusive humanism??The results that are being presented are, first of all that the change between the different editions are not big.

Barnet som medmänniska : En studie av pedagogers uppfattningar

AbstractThe background to this essay is previous experience in working in a preschool abroad. The teachers I met there did not relate to the children in the same way that I?m used to in Sweden. In my view, different expectations on the children, made them not make use of the children?s full potential to develop.The starting-point for this essay is the?life world perspective?.

Lyckade spelkomponenter : Vad ligger bakom World of Warcrafts popularitet?

I denna studie så kommer jag att analysera MMORPG-spelet World of Warcraft genom att utföra en analys i hopp om att isolera spelmekanismer och element som kan anses vara välfungerande och väldesignade. Jag kommer dessutom att bryta ner World of Warcraft till dess kärnkomponenter med hjälp av Interaction Centric Framework modellen som ett komplement till denna studie. Resultaten visar att World of Warcraft använder sig av många slags egenskaper och designval som skiljer sig själv från andra spel, som att dra ner på story element och att destillera spelets kärna till en väldigt grundlig ?morot-och-piska? formel som låter spelaren kunna spela oavbrutet utan att känna något skäl att sluta spela. .

Varför tycker du inte som mig!? : Livsåskådningars struktur, funktion och immanenta konflikt

This report is an attempt to clarify how religious and non-religious views-of-life [livsåskådningar] are created through the collaboration and opposition of religious and scientific elements/ideas. This with the hope of reaching a fruitful result related to the solution of world-view related conflicts, such as the ones existing between science and religion, on an individual and societal level.This is accomplished with the help of two assertions: (1) Mankind has a need to explain its existence and surroundings. (2) Religion and science has their origins in the same seed and aim to serve the same purpose, or function. Together these two assertions lay the theoretical foundations of this report which implies that all humans have an innate need of sustaining a stable world-view.The result of this report is that a final solution to world-view related conflicts are beyond reach as our mental and physical nature limits us. However there are strategies for minimizing world-view related conflicts effect on society..

Gräv där du står och ända ner till Kina :   En studie av två grundskolors omvärldsrelationer med fokus på hållbar utveckling

The aim of the study was to analyse relations between the school and the surrounding world and how these relations affects the schools? work for sustainable development. This was mainly an interview study but teachers? self-valuations have also been used. Totally six teachers at two primary schools has been interwied.

Sociala interaktioner hos utövare av World of Warcraft

SammanfattningTitel: Sociala Interaktioner hos utövare av World of WarcraftFörfattare: Lars Rydberg & Johan HanssonHandledare: Malin NilssonExaminator: Ulf PetäjäTyp av rapport: C-UppsatsUtbildning: Media- och kommunikationsvetenskapSyfte: Arbetet är gjort med syftet att undersöka sociala interaktioner hos de som spelar World of Warcraft och hur de själva menar sig socialt agera i spelet.Problem: Onlinespel överlag, men speciellt spelare av World of Warcraft har media bedrivit en häxjakt mot. De menar att deras sociala erfarenheter hämmas på grund av att de spelar spelet för mycket.Metod: Kvalitativa intervjuer med 8 personer som spelar World of Warcraft har utförts och sammanställts. Video- och ljudupptagning användes för att samla maximal mängd data.Resultat: Resultatet av vår undersökning visar hur den sociala interaktionen ser ut hos våra informanter som spelar World of Warcraft. Interaktionen i den virtuella världen strävar efter att efterlikna den verkliga. Detta har lett till att många utövare använder denna form av interaktion som ett komplement till deras sociala liv i verkligheten..

En granskning av det postkoloniala perspektivet i läromedel i historia

The essay examines and compares three different textbooks used in gymnasieskolans A- course from a postcolonial perspective. The method used in the essay is a qualitative analysis. Edward Said?s postcolonial theories are used as a tool to facilitate the analysis of the textbooks. The purpose of the essay is to examine how the textbooks depicts different parts of the world, are they depicting a multicultural world view, or are the textbooks assuming a western perspective in their description of the world.

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